

As a curious observer of life, I blog on writing, marketing, my prairie - anything that interests me in the moment. I like to have conversations with readers, so don’t hesitate to leave a comment. I'll respond.

Armistice Signed & My Grandfather Died – 99 years ago

By Carol / 07 November 2017 /

Ninety-nine years ago, on November 11, 1918, the Allies and Germany signed the Armistice to end fighting in the First World War. On that same day, my grandfather Carl died. My grandfather did not, however,…

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Rolling out a new website design – Come take a look

By Carol / 01 November 2017 /

Drum roll, please. Today I’m excited to unveil a fresh new, mobile-friendly look for my website – As I move closer to the launch of my next novel, it’s time to revisit all my…

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Celebrating Indie Authors – Check out these four

By Carol / 13 October 2017 /

October 14 is Indie Author Day, a day recognizing and encouraging authors who choose to publish independently. As you may know, I indie published my first book Growing Up Country, and am in the process…

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Have you found yourself amidst a kaleidoscope?

By Carol / 07 September 2017 /

Painted ladies dance In joyful kaleidoscopes Through warm autumn days This morning as I walked, I found myself surrounded by butterflies. There were so many, I stopped in wonder. And in joy. They flickered in…

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Poverty or Privilege – What do clothes mean?

By Carol / 30 August 2017 /

“Dress for success.” “Clothes make the man/woman.” “Dress for the job you want.” I had cause to re-think these oft-heard phrases in the context of poverty and privilege when I read a memoir about a…

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Food and culture – Eating Greek style

By Carol / 22 August 2017 /

A country’s culture is embodied in its food and how the people eat. Nowhere was that more evident than on my recent trip to Greece. When my friend Mary and I planned our trip, we…

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Haitus over …. Did you miss me?

By Carol / 08 August 2017 /

I realize asking, “Did you miss me?” after such a long absence opens me to the possibility of all sorts of disappointing, maybe even disparaging, responses. All of which I’d deserve. I dropped out of…

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Finding inspiration – The Open Road, a novel

By Carol / 25 April 2017 /

I’m pleased to welcome M.M. Holaday to my blog today. You may remember Holaday (aka Nan Johnson) from the story she wrote about Perkins Corner, a post that struck a chord with many readers. Holaday…

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Food will win the war – Campaign on the WWI home front

By Carol / 18 April 2017 /

April 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the United States entry into the Great War later known as World War I. To mark the anniversary, I’m sharing some information I uncovered as I researched my…

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What can we learn from annoying, repetitive TV ads?

By Carol / 11 April 2017 /

Have you ever been watching your favorite show and wanted to throw a brick through the TV when the fifth Burger King commercial plays in the course of one hour? My husband changes the channel.…

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