

As a curious observer of life, I blog on writing, marketing, my prairie - anything that interests me in the moment. I like to have conversations with readers, so don’t hesitate to leave a comment. I'll respond.

Launch Day Gratitude

By Carol / 21 March 2018 /

My new novel, Simple Truth, launches today, and gratitude tops the list of emotions I’m feeling as I celebrate bringing my third book to readers. A writer doesn’t travel the often rocky road to publication…

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Thank you Oscar Wilde – Simple Truth

By Carol / 14 March 2018 /

“The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple.” – Oscar Wilde. Irish poet and playwright Oscar Wilde spoke with insight and humor on many topics. The fallacy of believing truth to be…

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Women who teach and encourage – International Women’s Day

By Carol / 08 March 2018 /

On International Women’s Day I salute the women who made the greatest impact on me. They were teachers and encouragers. All of them. My mother, Ruby Denter. She was strong and determined. Until she married…

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Marketing on My Mind – Simple Truth Launch

By Carol / 23 February 2018 /

My new novel Simple Truth is a reality. I know this because an advance shipment of books sits in my garage. Marketing this new book has been on my mind for some time, but there’s…

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From Hate to Reconciliation – The Little Rock Nine

By Carol / 06 February 2018 /

I visited the Little Rock Central High School Historic Site this past week. The courage and bravery of “The Little Rock Nine” – teenagers who dared to face down angry mobs of segregationists – brought…

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Would you speak up? Are you that strong?

By Carol / 16 January 2018 /

The senators who met with President Trump when he used “tough” language by his own account, racist language according to others, faced a character challenge. Speak up or not? Speaking truth to power is no…

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Happy 10th Anniversary – Growing Up Country – Memoir

By Carol / 02 January 2018 /

I turned on the car radio last week and was surprised to hear the announcer introduce me. The Iowa Public Radio interview, which focused on growing up in Iowa, had aired in October. The now-taped…

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Simple Truth – Cover Reveal

By Carol / 20 December 2017 /

I’m pleased to share the cover of my upcoming novel, Simple Truth. The design is the work of Jenny Toney Quinlan, the talented designer who created the first edition cover of Go Away Home. A…

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What’s Your Dream Reading Space?

By Carol / 28 November 2017 /

Do you have a dream reading space? someone asked me. A place with just the right furniture, light, atmosphere, to allow you to enjoy a good read? I had no immediate response because I’d never…

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When did you start to read? How did you learn?

By Carol / 21 November 2017 /

I don’t remember how I learned to read. What I do know is that I could read from earliest memory. Books were part of my life, from comics in the daily paper to Saturday-morning trips…

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