
Marketing on My Mind – Simple Truth Launch
By Carol / February 23, 2018 /
My new novel Simple Truth is a reality. I know this because an advance shipment of books sits in my garage. Marketing this new book has been on my mind for some time, but there’s nothing like a launch date deadline to make me focus.
Simple Truth Launch Date – March 21, 2018

Simple Truth
I’ll employ many of the same marketing techniques I’ve used to launch my previous books: Launch events, news releases and media interviews, and advance reviews. But some things have changed. Here’s what’s new on the docket:
While the ability to pre-order books has been around for a long time, it’s been restricted to traditional publishers. Now, indie publishers can offer pre-orders to Kindle users.
The advantage to readers is they can buy the book as soon as they see it and not have to remember to order later. The e-book file will download automatically to reader Kindles on March 21.
The advantage to me is that all pre-order sales count on March 21. In theory, this will cause a spike in the Amazon algorithms (assuming lots of pre-orders), making my book visible to more people because it’s higher on the best seller lists.
Will it work? We shall see. If you’re interested in the e-book, please order now. I’ll let you know how this new tool works post launch.
Pre-order promotion
Of course if no one knows the book is available for pre-order, no one will buy. I’m doing pre-launch social media posts, and boosting those posts. In the past I’ve always waited until launch date to spread the word. I’m a firm believer that we should only generate interest that people can act on. So, I’m on middle ground on this. People with e-readers can act. People who want paperbacks must wait.
Library flyer
Iowa libraries have been great about putting my books on their shelves and having me in for book talks. In the past, I’ve let the libraries come to me. This time, I’m going to them with a flyer letting them know about Simple Truth and offering a discount if they pre-order.
These are new marketing techniques I’m trying with this launch. What are you seeing?
- If you’re an author, what new marketing techniques are you finding successful.
- If you’re a reader, what approaches do publishers and authors use that attract your attention?
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Simple Truth is the thought-provoking story of a young woman who lands a career-making opportunity only to discover her client may be exploiting immigrant workers. With each revelation, she comes to question not only the client but also her own prejudices and her career. Ultimately she must come to grips with what she’s willing to risk to help someone else.
Congratulations, Carol! How exciting!
Marketing is not something I enjoy, but it sounds like you’re a pro. Good luck!
My background in marketing gives me a leg up. I know what to do. Though I admit I got spoiled by having Lake Union pick up Go Away Home and the marketing. Now I’m back on the marketing bicycle again. Yes, these are exciting times.
It’s a PR world and you’ve got your hand on the pulse of marketing, what needs to be done. Outflow, outflow, outflow. Putting in the time and connecting has been helpful for me. And once I had some reviews Bookbub is a good, albeit costly, promo tool.
I can’t wait for this one of yours to come out. I’ve preordered it and am really looking forward to the read.
You’re right, Paulette. Marketing is an ongoing and necessary element of publishing. Connections are, indeed, helpful. The friendship we’ve developed over the years and books is a good example. I’ve been lucky enough to secure a Bookbub spot three times. The cost makes me gulp each time, but it’s always paid off. Fingers crossed they’ll help with Simple Truth at some point.
Thanks for ordering. I look forward to your thoughts once you’ve had a chance to read.
Done! I’ve pre-ordered an e-copy in order to participate in Amazon’s mysterious algorithms, but I intend to order a hard copy of your new book when available, also.
I like your efforts to market to libraries. They are noble in their efforts to provide equal and free public access to information and reading materials; libraries are worthy associates. Whenever I get messages on my own website from readers, I ask how they found my book. So far, all have said they ran across my book in their public library.
Best of luck to you, Carol!
Thanks for the e-copy order, Nan. A FB group author suggested the approach to how these orders are counted may have already changed. I’ll report one way or the other. All of us in the indie publishing world need to know. The sands shift regularly.
I’m a big user and supporter of libraries. Some authors have been hesitant to market to libraries on the (IMHO mistaken) belief that if the library has the book, then people don’t need to buy it. My experience has been like yours. Many people find my books in the library and want to buy them to give as gifts. So the library placement has a multiplier effect. And even if a reader doesn’t buy a copy, the library did. So it’s all good.
I like the idea of pre-ordering a book on Kindle, and I just pre-ordered your book. I will also recommend it to my sister in Indiana, who uses libraries a lot.
Thanks for pre-ordering, Veronica, and for recommending it to your sister. Word of mouth is the best marketing ever. After a FB post reader suggested that pre-orders are counting as they happen, I checked and sure enough, my rankings are changing daily. I’m not sure what this will mean on launch day, but we’ll see.
Carol, these are great marketing tips, and I’d like to offer one of my own. KDP Select lets authors run limited-time discount promotions for your ebooks in the Kindle Countdown program. I have six self-published books in the Inspirational Fiction genre. While it’s almost impossible to get books featured in Bookbub, there are other copycats that do it for a much smaller fee. A Kindle Countdown promotion allows you to discount for up to one week without losing your 70% profit margin, so I take full advantage of that. At the same time I’m running that discount promotion, I pay to be featured in Faithful Reads, who will feature your Christian e-book for one day for $25. They have a faithful following through email and Facebook posts. An ebook that normally has 6 – 8 sales a day can jump up to 100 – 200 sales in a day and as you mentioned above about pre-ordering, this can cause a spike in the Amazon algorithms and make a book visible to more people since it ranks higher in sales. I’m sure there are more copycats out there for other genres, but I’ve never researched them. I highly recommend Faithful Reads to all Christian authors. It’s a great marketing tool.
Thanks for joining the conversation, Glenda. I’ve used Kindle Countdown in the past with good results. Marketing the Countdown makes a difference. I’ve used a variety of platforms to publicize the event, but Faithful Reads is new to me. I’ll check it out.