

As a curious observer of life, I blog on writing, marketing, my prairie - anything that interests me in the moment. I like to have conversations with readers, so don’t hesitate to leave a comment. I'll respond.

A holiday story

By Carol / 26 November 2009 /

I have always believed that Thanksgiving dinner is simultaneously the easiest and most difficult meal to make. Easiest because there is no wondering what will be on the menu. At least at our house, the…

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Comfort food – Home memories

By Carol / 22 November 2009 /

Heading toward the holidays, the media bombard us with new ways to cook the old standards. While I’m sure many enjoy the adventure of new foods on the holidays, for me these meals are all…

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Strands of gold

By Carol / 12 November 2009 /

The trees outside my office window are devoid of leaves. Even our sugar maple finally gave up. It’s brilliant yellow leaves turned brown and now cover the ground with an ankle-deep, brittle blanket. No denying…

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A day like today

By Carol / 06 November 2009 /

When I was in 8th grade, my teacher had us memorize a poem each week. One week it was Helen Hunt Jackson’s “October’s Bright Blue Weather.” I still remember the first stanza: O SUNS and…

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Seeds that last

By Carol / 01 November 2009 /

The prairie is brown now. As my county extension agent promised, the crab grass died with the first hard frost. Dropping millions of seeds before letting go. A gift for future years. I mowed off…

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Snow on the prairie

By Carol / 19 October 2009 /

Snow on October 10. This was unexpected. When a weather occurrence is out of the ordinary, I always think, ‘Do I remember this happening before?’ Though I do not remember snow as early as October…

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Be brave!

By Carol / 16 October 2009 /

Be Brave – And mighty forces will come to your aid. Several years ago, a friend and I had coffee with Barbara Robinette Moss. This would not be so remarkable except that Moss did not…

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Prairie paths and wildlife

By Carol / 07 October 2009 /

A friend asked if I planned to mow the prairie off. It hadn’t occurred to me until she said something. I had been thinking to let the snow and rain mat the grass down to…

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It's not too late

By Carol / 03 October 2009 /

At this time of the year, I think of the end of the garden, the end of flowers. Roll up the hose, clean off the spent flower stems, bring house plants back inside. Fall coming…

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Keep asking

By Carol / 30 September 2009 /

“Failure is the path of least persistence.” So here we are at the same store, more than a year later. As I picked up my packages, I said, “This store would be the perfect place…

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