

As a curious observer of life, I blog on writing, marketing, my prairie - anything that interests me in the moment. I like to have conversations with readers, so don’t hesitate to leave a comment. I'll respond.

Just one week – A daffodil ode to spring

By Carol / 30 March 2010 /

On March 21, we woke to six inches of new snow. Normally, I’d say ‘How pretty!’, but then we were not exactly heading into Christmas.  The daffodils stood tall in the snow.   Three days…

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Iowa's roadways suffer bug plague

By Carol / 29 March 2010 /

Iowa’s roadways suffered a bug plague of unprecedented proportions over this past winter, according to an official of the Clean Iowa Ditches Coalition. “Litterbugs were out in force over the winter,” confirmed Illa Pickup, spokesperson…

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Iowa's Indie bookstores – jewels on main street

By Carol / 25 March 2010 /

My love affair with bookstores stepped up a notch this past year when I was assigned to write a feature on Iowas independent bookstores for The Iowanmagazine. Visiting these unique locations and talking with the…

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Some like it hot

By Carol / 15 March 2010 /

Snow is gone, birds are back. Flocks of robins all over the lawn. Flickers in the tree outside my office window.  Birds lined up to eat from a suet feeder David put up this winter…

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Ready, Set, Be Patient

By Carol / 09 March 2010 /

It can’t last forever, this snow. I keep telling myself that. The days do get longer. Melting snow slides off the roof, plinks into the gutters, trickles in a steady stream out the downspouts.  Yes,…

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Writing a place in time

By Carol / 02 March 2010 /

Historical fiction is one of my favorite genres.  To experience life in a different place and a different time fascinates me. As a writer aspiring to write historical fiction, I read these books with one…

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Facebook – The Borg in our time

By Carol / 19 February 2010 /

Star Trek fans are familiar with the Borg – a civilization that traveled through space in the form of a big metal cube assimilating the collective knowledge of every civilization they encountered before they destroyed…

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"I can help you" – Delivering on a promise

By Carol / 17 February 2010 /

A clear, concise, well delivered message is a thing of beauty. Seldom do I think I’ll hear such a message amidst the chaos of an airline terminal. So I was fascinated to hear those words…

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Chasing dust bunnies

By Carol / 02 February 2010 /

‘She files in piles,’ my staff used to explain when they noticed visitors trying not to be aghast at the seeming chaos in my office. It’s true. No matter how many times I pledge to…

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7 things I've learned

By Carol / 27 January 2010 /

 Reflecting on the past – looking to the future. It’s a January sort of thing. So join me as I think about the 7 Things I’ve Learned in my writing life to date.   1.…

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