

As a curious observer of life, I blog on writing, marketing, my prairie - anything that interests me in the moment. I like to have conversations with readers, so don’t hesitate to leave a comment. I'll respond.

Out of the dark

By Carol / 21 January 2010 /

We lost power last night, just as we were finishing supper. Fortunately for me, my husband always knows where the flashlights are. We rummaged up candles and turned on the gas fireplace. You never know…

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Picking up the pieces

By Carol / 20 January 2010 /

Yesterday’s hoar frost was followed by freezing rain over night. This morning I’m watching an ice storm wreak havoc outside my window. Limbs are coated with ice. The double whammy of wind and ice is…

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Nature's flocking – Enchanting!

By Carol / 19 January 2010 /

Flocked Christmas trees were quite the rage in the 1990s. Maybe they still are. But I was never a fan. The white foam sprayed on the needles  looked heavy, unnatural. It always looked to me…

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What's your passion?

By Carol / 10 January 2010 /

I admire people who know their passion. People with passion get things done, often against tremendous odds. Just one example: Jonas Salk worked for decades, with passion, to find a vaccine effective against polio. We…

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Loving winter in Iowa

By Carol / 10 January 2010 /

I’ve always admired Minnesotans for how they embrace winter. I admit I waffle on the subject of winter.  I love it. Or not. A couple of years ago, I vowed to go out every day.…

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The end of the decade

By Carol / 30 December 2009 /

Articles filling the papers and wrap-up shows on TV as we come to the end of 2009 indicate we’re not only ending a year, we’re also finishing a decade. Which leads to the question I…

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Listening to the winter quiet

By Carol / 27 December 2009 /

I returned from a pre-dawn walk through three inches of new powder, breathless from the exertion, warm in spite of frigid temperatures, the sound of snow crunching with every step.  The snowplows hadn’t passed yet,…

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Hidden on a windswept plain

By Carol / 21 December 2009 /

My intent has been to write about my prairie at least once every month. But sitting here in my office, looking out across the area where I so hopefully planted a prairie last spring, all…

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The real deal

By Carol / 10 December 2009 /

Nature dumped 15+ inches of snow on Des Moines this week. Fifteen inches of snow followed by winds gusting to 50 miles per hour. Snow swirled in whiteout waves. Drifts mounded up to window ledges.…

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Gamboling through life

By Carol / 29 November 2009 /

Our next-door neighbors breed dogs. A fact we did not know when we bought our acreage four years ago, but of which we were soon aware. The barking was incessant and loud every time we…

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