
Old dog, more new tricks
By Carol / March 12, 2012 /
“Maybe I can retire before I have to learn this.” That’s a thought that actually ran through my mind in the 1990s when the Internet was new and I was struggling to figure out the brand new technology.
That memory popped to mind this past week as I struggled to figure out Twitter. I signed up for Twitter because I know social media is critical to effective book marketing these days.
From a book marketing workshop run by Melissa Foster, I learned that effective tweeting requires posts a dozen times a day! And your Twitter effort can be accomplished in 30 minutes a day. Ha! Ha! Just thinking of a dozen worthwhile things to say in a day boggles my mind. Melissa provided tips and tools (Tweetdeck) and a community (World Literary Cafe) to help make the task doable.
Right now, I’m bordering on overload. I spend more like an hour and a half a day on Twitter, which does not count the time I lay awake in the middle of the night trying to think of ways to fit my normally wordy self into 140 characters or fewer. Egads!
But, I did learn to use the Internet and from there, I set up my own website – a must for any author. Then I learned Facebook. Then blogging. With each new platform came new vocabulary and new skills. Now Twitter. I must believe I’ll learn this one, too. And still find time in the day to write my novel.
I’ve always said that every day that I learn something new is a good day. I guess this has been a really GOOD week! Now that I have the Internet, I could no more imagine living without it than I could live without breathing. And that’s hardly an exaggeration.
Will Twitter be like that? As I prepare another round of Tweets, I can only hope so. In the meantime, I’d be honored if you followed me on Twitter – @CABodensteiner
Melissa Foster is a best-selling author of several books, including COME BACK TO ME. She founded World Literary Cafe, a supportive on-line author community,
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