

As a curious observer of life, I blog on writing, marketing, my prairie - anything that interests me in the moment. I like to have conversations with readers, so don’t hesitate to leave a comment. I'll respond.

Best book price this year – Growing Up Country & Simple Truth

By Carol / 02 November 2018 /

Both Growing Up Country, Memories of an Iowa Farm Girl and Simple Truth – ebook versions only – are on sale from November 2-9 for $.99. Please help me spread the word about the best…

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Waking up to white privilege

By Carol / 24 April 2018 /

The recent arrest of two black men at a Philadelphia Starbucks raised again the issue of how people of different races are treated in the United States. It’s highly unlikely two white men sitting in…

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Launch Day Gratitude

By Carol / 21 March 2018 /

My new novel, Simple Truth, launches today, and gratitude tops the list of emotions I’m feeling as I celebrate bringing my third book to readers. A writer doesn’t travel the often rocky road to publication…

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Thank you Oscar Wilde – Simple Truth

By Carol / 14 March 2018 /

“The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple.” – Oscar Wilde. Irish poet and playwright Oscar Wilde spoke with insight and humor on many topics. The fallacy of believing truth to be…

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Marketing on My Mind – Simple Truth Launch

By Carol / 23 February 2018 /

My new novel Simple Truth is a reality. I know this because an advance shipment of books sits in my garage. Marketing this new book has been on my mind for some time, but there’s…

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Simple Truth – Cover Reveal

By Carol / 20 December 2017 /

I’m pleased to share the cover of my upcoming novel, Simple Truth. The design is the work of Jenny Toney Quinlan, the talented designer who created the first edition cover of Go Away Home. A…

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