

As a curious observer of life, I blog on writing, marketing, my prairie - anything that interests me in the moment. I like to have conversations with readers, so don’t hesitate to leave a comment. I'll respond.

Coffin or casket – Does it matter?

By Carol / 13 June 2010 /

Coffin or casket? Is there a difference?  And if there is, does it matter? Until recently, I used these words interchangeably. But I learned by talking to Loren Horton, an expert on Victorian and early…

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Happy Birthday, Prairie!

By Carol / 30 May 2010 /

On Memorial Day weekend 2009, I planted a prairie.  It’s custom to give presents to the one having the birthday, but in this case, the gifts I see as I celebrate my prairie’s first full…

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It's up to you

By Carol / 21 May 2010 /

Is happiness within your grasp? According to the Dalai Lama, it is the goal of life to achieve happiness and whether we do or not is up to each of us. The perspective we take…

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Educating the heart

By Carol / 19 May 2010 /

The Dalai Lama brought his message of compassion, loving kindness, and non-violence to Iowa yesterday, and I was privileged to be in Cedar Falls, with my son to hear him. The theme of his day…

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Making social media work

By Carol / 11 May 2010 /

I’m a real neophyte when it comes to social media. I stumble around to discover paths that others have traversed easily for ages.  So I was surprised that American and former colleague Drew McLellan welcomed…

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Prairie friends – old and new

By Carol / 09 May 2010 /

  What a delight to see Partridge Peas in my prairie this week!  Partridge Peas were the first plant to bloom in my prairie last summer – the only one, really, if we forget the…

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Do one thing

By Carol / 23 April 2010 /

It was Earth Day yesterday.  We celebrated 40 years of acknowledging we need to – and actually doing something about – pulling the earth back from human destruction. Corporations and other groups were out in…

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Prairie spring

By Carol / 13 April 2010 /

The lawn is emerald green. The trees leaf out. Violets dot the lawn with splashes of lavender. The inevitable dandelions bloom. But from a distance, the prairie is brown. It is only 11 months since…

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Men at work

By Carol / 12 April 2010 /

As surely as the daffodils rise each spring, men  emerge from winter hibernation to tackle outdoor projects. I enjoy watching both. It is a true delight to see so much get done. My husband holds…

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The joke's on me

By Carol / 01 April 2010 /

I am not a superstitious person by nature, but this morning had me thinking the world was in on some cosmic joke at my expense. 9:00 a.m. – The person teaming up with me for…

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