
Good news, Bad news – June prairie update
By Carol / June 18, 2009 /
It’s been almost a month since I sowed the seeds of my prairie garden. (This picture shows the spot before planting.) The last four weeks have been a good news/bad news story.
Good news: It’s rained regularly, giving the seeds a really good start.
Bad news: Most of what is growing is crab grass. Some areas are almost solid.
Good news: Crab grass is easy to pull out and can be pulled easily when it is small.
Bad news: I can’t be sure each of these little plants is really crab grass and not some unfamiliar new prairie plant.
More Bad news: When/if I pull up the grass, I could at the same time dislodge a fragile prairie plant.
I am impatient by nature. As I walk by the prairie area, my inclination is to pull out one or a dozen or a hundred little grass plants. I want to pick at them like I would at a scab. This may not be the best course. Maybe this is an expected stage of prairie restoration. Maybe I just need to be calm and wait and see.
I have called my friends at Ion Exchange to get their advice. When they let me know, I’ll let you know.