
As a curious observer of life, I blog on writing, marketing, my prairie - anything that interests me in the moment. I like to have conversations with readers, so don’t hesitate to leave a comment. I'll respond.
October 11 is my 68th birthday. I’ve had – am having – a great life. Borrowing another idea from Laurie Buchanan, author of the soon-to-be-released Note to Self, and to recognize the years with which…
Read MoreHave you ever thought you were as happy as you could be and then something happens to make you realize you could reach a whole new level of happy? It happened to me this month.…
Read MoreWhen I began blogging in 2009, I posted my writing for a full year before telling anyone I was doing it. I was trying out my voice, learning the “rules” of blogging, and seeing if…
Read MoreMy granddaughter started kindergarten this past week. When she told her dad about her first day in school, she could barely contain herself. “Guess what? We played in the gym!” “Guess what? We had music…
Read MoreThe humble gift of long-lasting love. As Christmas Eve rolls around, I check to make sure I have all the fixings for our waffle supper. Waffles mark Christmas Eve in our house as surely as…
Read MoreFinding perspective and gratitude after suicide. When I thought about my senior years, I imagined spending a good deal of time with my older sister, Jane. Though she lived in Pennsylvania and I in Iowa,…
Read MoreDo see fall as the end or the beginning? For me, it’s both. The fall equinox arrives this weekend and with it, the end of green leaves and grass and the beginning of reds and…
Read MoreIf you could choose to do anything, what would you do? That’s a question life coaches ask to encourage their clients to explore where their passion really lies. What would make them the most happy/satisfied/fulfilled.…
Read MoreThis past Monday, I loaded a box in the car to drop at the post office. A grocery list was in my pocket for a trip to the grocery story. While I was out, I’d…
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