

Poems are a declaration of hope

By Carol / May 31, 2024 /

Photo by Tony Zohari


“Poems are a declaration of hope in language” – Maya Chung


voices echo, beckon, come; even

tree frogs sing, cicadae’s fiddle, coyotes howl. If

we but sit quietly, listen attentively, though we

believe it’s just noise, that it’s nothing that we can’t

resist, knowing the mind-numbing, soul crushing pull

of insidious arguments, slip the shackles, shrug negativity off

accept possibility, prepare ourselves for something


listen with new ears, as tree frogs, cicadas, coyotes show us we

may tolerate, accept, embrace the different. Then we can

learn to speak a new tongue, at

every juncture do more than the least.

a symphony of voices on evening breezes echo, try.


For this Golden shovel poem, I use the words of Maya Chung, Associate Editor, The Atlantic, as she wrote about the power of poetic language on the passing of writer Paul Auster. Chung wrote, “Even if we can’t pull off something magnificent, we can at least try.”


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  1. Elfrieda Neufeld Schroeder on May 31, 2024 at 10:32 am

    Love the picture of the poet who is willing to write for hire! I subscribe to poem a day, but would like to write a poem each day. Maybe Thea’s a good project for me!

    • Carol on May 31, 2024 at 10:40 am

      A friend found a poet for hire in New Orleans. She had a very good experience with him. Should I come across such a poet, I’d definitely give it a go.

      I, too, receive a poem a day from I learn so much from reading them and am often inspired. A poem a day is an admirable goal. I’m more in the poem a week category! If you jump into poetry, please post on your blog, Elfrieda. I’d love to read yours.

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