

Readers make novel launch possible

By Carol / July 7, 2015 /

It’s launch day for the new edition of my novel GO AWAY HOME. If you haven’t read it yet, this is an excellent time to snag a copy. GO AWAY HOME is available on Amazon (at a very attractive introductory price) in print or Kindle versions and can be ordered anywhere books are sold.

Go Away Home, a novel

Go Away Home, a novel

If you’ve already read this story of independence, choices and love, set in pre-WWI Iowa, thank you.

Were it not for readers, my novel would not be here today. Here’s how readers played a role in my writing journey.

My writing partner patiently and thoughtfully critiqued each scene draft. Workshop leaders and participants read and encouraged me as I learned the craft of novel writing. Beta readers offered honest feedback as I fleshed out the manuscript. Editors read and helped me polish the final draft. Reader reviews of the first edition attracted the attention of Lake Union Publishing, leading to this second edition.

Readers mean the world to writers. I am grateful for each and every of you.

If you haven’t read GO AWAY HOME yet, now could be the time. Should you choose to read, I will be honored. Readers make my day.

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  1. Chuck Robertson on July 8, 2015 at 10:51 pm

    Glad to see you made it! You’re right, a novel comes only at the expense of countless hours of work. I hope yours does well.

    • Carol Bodensteiner on July 9, 2015 at 8:17 am

      Thanks, Chuck. Time – and readers – will tell. It really is in their hands now.

  2. David Lawlor on July 10, 2015 at 10:58 pm

    Great book, great author, great lady. Good luck Carol

    • Carol Bodensteiner on July 11, 2015 at 6:51 am

      You are so kind, David, as well as being a terrific author, reader, and friend. I appreciate your support.

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