
Checking out the neighborhood
By Carol / April 18, 2011 /
In a classic case of ‘if you build it they will come,’ I’m delighted to report that we have bluebirds checking out the bluebird house my husband build earlier this spring.
At first just one, but yesterday, a male and female were in and out on a regular basis. I’m keeping my fingers crossed they’ll like the accommodations well enough to set up housekeeping and we’ll have babies to report soon.
I’ll try for a better picture, but the bluebirds are shy and don’t stay anywhere long. Nor do I want to give them any cause for concern about their new home, so I won’t walk too close.
Knowing how quickly one house was successful in attracting birds, we may have to put up another one. If for no other reason that I want to be able to see the house and birds from the kitchen window. When the apple tree leafs out, this bluebird house will be completely hidden from kitchen view.
The bluebirds of happiness are definitely flying around here this week!