
Failure worries dog life insurers
By Carol / March 6, 2009 /
“Failure worries dog life insurers” This was a headline in the Des Moines Register yesterday. When I read this, I thought that with all the economic woes the country is facing, the failure of people who insure dogs just could not be high enough on the list to be the lead on the business page. I launched into reading the article fully prepared to tsk and cluck and shake my head at a country so flush we can have dog insurance. I also thought of the two Mastiffs my son and his wife keep and wondered if they have insurance for their animals.
Several paragraphs into the article, I couldn’t find anything about dogs. I went back to the beginning. Maybe in my haste, I had read past the point. All the way to the end. Still nothing about dogs.
I read the headline again. I have been known to misread headlines. But no. It said “Failure worries dog life insurers.”
I read it again and again. Finally. Finally. Finally, I realized dog was the verb. Worries was the subject! I didn’t exactly slap my head, but I had to laugh. “Hey, David,” I called to my husband. “Listen to this!” We had a good laugh over my misread of the headline.
I love a day that starts with a laugh. And I’ll take a good laugh when I can get one. Even at my own expense. That headline is a keeper.
Posted in Writing