

Using the right equipment

By Carol / January 13, 2009 /

People tell me writing a blog should be easy. After all, they say, I’m a writer. But from my perspective, being a writer makes it all the harder. I know how much I labor over the words in the articles I write, in the book I published. To spend precious time writing something that I don’t have to write … well. At the same time, I keep tripping across little things – having these little experiences – that I just know I’m supposed to notice, and write about. Today the little thing is YakTrax.

I’m a walker. Almost every day, regardless of weather, I head outside for a walk. Mother nature has thrown down the gauntlet this winter in Iowa, rotating ice and snow on a weekly basis. But I am not deterred. If the Alaskans and Norwegians can survive and thrive in all that snow, so can I. 
My theory is it’s all in being prepared, having the right equipment.  A face mask against the wind. Mittens that let me expose my fingers without freezing my hands. Still, before my husband came home with YakTrax, I resigned myself to the treadmill at winter’s first sign of ice. Walking every step afraid I’d fall just wasn’t worth it. But once I slipped these little gizmos made of rubber and metal coils over the soles of my shoes, I found I had traction. I could step out with confidence. I didn’t worry about falling.
In his book On Writing, Stephen King talks about how important it is for writers to have the right tools in their writing kits.  Perhaps writing a blog will be like YakTrax. One more piece of equipment I’ll discover lets me step out with confidence. 

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