
As a curious observer of life, I blog on writing, marketing, my prairie - anything that interests me in the moment. I like to have conversations with readers, so don’t hesitate to leave a comment. I'll respond.
I’ve undertaken a new creative venture – poetry. Inspired by Poetry Palooza, a poetry-focused event I attended last April, I’ve joined friends who are also interested in giving poetry a try. Most people I mention…
Read MoreI know when I lost my urge to write. Or at least to write positively. It was shortly after Donald Trump was elected President. All my efforts to blog came out angry or flat or…
Read MoreWriting can be a solitary business. When I’m working on a writing project, as I am now with my novel in progress, I get to my keyboard each day by 9 a.m. and do my…
Read MoreI ended the old year as I often do – by cleaning out my office. This December gave me an even better opportunity to clean out, though, since my husband and I agreed to tackle…
Read MoreWhen I think ‘mom,’ my first thought is of my own mother. But today, I’m shining the light toward the newest generation of moms in our family – my nieces and my daughter-in-law. There have…
Read More“You’re a writer. You can write our stories.” I can’t tell you how many times my mother said that to me. It made no difference to her that I was a business writer, not a…
Read MoreApril was a month of giving back to readers. And giving back drew me into a month of ‘first’ experiences that were rewarding on every level. World Book Night: I joined more than 25,000 other…
Read MoreAll signs of the prescribed burn we did on the prairie a month ago are gone. With each rain, each wind, each day that passes, the burn is less visible. In fact, only a few…
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