
Go Away Home – Blog Tour
By Carol / July 8, 2014 /
I’m thrilled to announce the participants in a blog tour for Go Away Home taking place from July 8 – July 25, 2014. Please join me from the comfort of your own chair as I travel through cyberspace.
- Tuesday, July 8 – Amy Bruno at Passages to the Past (and organizer of this month’s virtual book tour) shares a Q&A with me about writing Go Away Home.
- Wednesday, July 9 – P.C. Zick hosts me on Writing Whims for a wide-ranging Q&A on Author Wednesday
- Thursday, July 10 – Ashley LaMar at Closed the Cover shares my guest post: “Six Networking Tips to Promote Your Book Online”
- Monday, July 14 – Svetlana’s Reads and Views shares her review of Go Away Home.
Darlene at Peeking Between the Pages reviews and hosts a giveaway - Tuesday, July 15 – Let Them Read Books hosts a giveaway and my guest post “Fact to Fiction – Researching Historical Fiction Just in Time”
- Thursday, July 17 – Jorie at Jorie Loves a Story invited me to talk about “choices,” one of the novel themes. Read my guest post: “Is that a good choice? Only time will tell.”
At the same time, a city girl turned goat farmer reviews & hosts a giveaway at Broken Teepee - Friday, July 18 – Kathryn Powell posts a review at A Bibliograph’s Reviews
Back at Jorie Loves a Story, Jorie shares her review of Go Away Home. - Monday, July 21 – Kathleen Kelly posts a review at CelticLady’s Reviews
- Tuesday, July 22 – Caroline Wilson will shine her spotlight on Go Away Home and offer a giveaway at Caroline Wilson Writes
- Thursday, July 24 – Returning to Closed the Cover where Ashley LaMar will post a review and host a giveaway
- Friday, July 25 – Lauralee Jacks does a book review and giveaway at History From a Woman’s Perspective
- Friday, July 25 –Returning to Passages to the Past where Amy Bruno closes out this month-long blog tour by spotlighting Go Away Home and summarizing blogger reviews
It’s an honor to have so many authors and bloggers participate in sharing the news about the launch of Go Away Home. These sites are full of information about books and authors, writing and life. I encourage you to check them out.