
Survivor Tree grows hope
By Carol / December 12, 2011 / Comments Off on Survivor Tree grows hope
Weeks after the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, workers found the charred trunk and roots of a tree buried in the debris. Most limbs were blown away; roots were gone.
Even though the tree had been out of the ground for six weeks or more, the remnant was taken to a nursery where, miraculously, it began to grow again.
Called the Survivor Tree, this callery pear tree is now growing at the 9/11 Memorial. New growth reaches 30 – 40 ft. high.
After the attacks on 9/11, I took comfort in the fact that the moon and stars were in the sky that night and the sun rose the next morning. There was hope in the cycles of nature.
The Survivor Tree stands as a living testament that we can persevere, we can go on, in the face of the very worst.