October's Bright Blue Weather
By Carol / October 26, 2011 /
“O suns and skies and clouds of June, And flowers of June together, Ye cannot rival for one hour October’s bright blue weather”
In eighth grade, I memorized Helen Hunt Jackson‘s poem, October’s Bright Blue Weather. Though most stanzas have slipped from my memory, this first verse pops into my mind every year.
Iowa is sporting excellent color and weather this fall. Some of the best in recent memory. Even a trip to New England this fall did not deliver more spectacular leaves.
During the month of October, I delay my morning walk until late enough in the day to enjoy the sun’s warmth and to see the fall color. The clear blue sky, crisp air, and multi-colored leaves – I store these sensory pleasures to remember as we head into the monochromatic Iowa winter.
What a gift, October’s bright blue weather.